Afrapportering fra 11 september 2017 mødet om job i FN systemet:

Working for the UN

On the 11th of September, 2017, 75 members of IDA networks joined the event organized by UN-city, Yngre læger, DJØF and IDA Global Development to explore the possibilities for working with the UN organisations.

The UN offers a wide range of opportunities from internships, junior professional officers, and a variety of contracts of shorter or longer duration around the world. There are several entry-points for an international career or for combining a career in Denmark with doing international work for a UN organization.

Participants had the opportunity to meet and discuss individually their specific interests, competences and the potential match with the eleven UN organizations represented in the UN-City at Nordhavn. The interest was great from both sides and many went away with useful contacts and hints for how to pursue and realize their desires for working internationally on sustainable development.

The particular interests of participants and UN organizations spanned from road construction to women’s rights. However, as explained by Asger Ryhl, Director of the Nordic Office for UN Women: “equal rights and equal opportunities transcend all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals” and is part of the DNA of the UN System.

The event also included personal career accounts from Asger Ryhl, Mette Fjalland, Communications and Liaison Officer, UNDP and Andres Blasco, Procurement Specialist, UNFPA.

The evening ended with discussions in breakout groups focusing on: Junior Professional Officers, the World Health Organizations (WHO), and UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). Here there were opportunities to dig into details about how to find the vacant positions and apply, selection procedures, employment conditions for both short and longer term, etc..

The take-home messages from the event included: yes, there are opportunities; personal drive and sharing the UN values matters the most; be prepared to take detours also to postings and countries that are not necessarily your first choice; working for the UN is rewarding – but also comes with some sacrifices; and, if you want there is way – plenty of entry points, both formal and less formal.

Photos from the event:



Announcement of the meeting

Working for the UN

Meet representatives from all UN agencies at 11 September 16.00 – 19.30 in the UN City in Nordhavn. Here you can register for the meeting. For a detailed programme, kindly see Program_A5_FN_11 september 2017

The meeting is arranged in collaboration with DJØF, Yngre Læger and UN City Copenhagen. From an IDA perspective the target audience is all IDA members and members of IDA technical networks who have an interest in working internationally – regardless of whether the interest is general development, a particular technical field, or long or short term.

Participation is free of charge – however, it requires registration at the latest by 12:00 on the 6th of September. Due to security measures people who are not registered will not be allowed to enter the building.

Spend an evening at the UN City and learn about the ways for a job in a United Nations organization – career or project job.

The UN offers a wide range of opportunities from internships, junior professional officers, and a variety of contracts of shorter or longer duration around the world. There are several entry-points for an international career or for combining a career in Denmark with doing international work for a UN organization.
Get answers to which competences are looked for, which forms of employment are offered, whether there are country quotas, what to do, what are the chances for getting through, and a lot more.

Regardless of employment form and duty station, the UN organizations offer numerous opportunities for working with colleagues from different cultures and disciplines. Including all forms of employment, the UN system organizations employs tens of thousands people from nearly 200 different countries.

The meeting takes place in the UN City in Nordhavn – a home for 11 UN organizations: one with a global headquarters, one with a regional headquarters, and the rest with larger or smaller operations ( There will be a chance to meet them all.
